It's been a while since I've done any signing events. The last one was at the Western Writers convention in July and that was a lot of fun. I always enjoy getting out there and meeting some readers. Every writer has their horror stories of bad signings, but even those can turn out pretty cool. I went to one at a mall bookstore and was ignored for three solid hours. When I started packing up and signing the books that were there, people took notice and gathered around to form a real crowd! I guess I just blended in with the scenery too much on that one. Oh well. Live and learn.
Monday, October 22, 2007
The long silence
It's been a while since I've done any signing events. The last one was at the Western Writers convention in July and that was a lot of fun. I always enjoy getting out there and meeting some readers. Every writer has their horror stories of bad signings, but even those can turn out pretty cool. I went to one at a mall bookstore and was ignored for three solid hours. When I started packing up and signing the books that were there, people took notice and gathered around to form a real crowd! I guess I just blended in with the scenery too much on that one. Oh well. Live and learn.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
First Compton
Thursday, July 19, 2007
I hate Summer
I'm more of an Autumn guy. Everything just flows better in the cool air. Even the cold is nice and quiet. Summer is just hot and sticky and loud. As you might have noticed, Summer makes me just a little irritable. Eh, that's mostly because it's been at or near the 100 degree mark around here lately and that just plain stinks. I didn't exactly mean to get on here and complain. I thought it's been a while since I last posted, so I'd write a little update.
Sorry about this. I'll get back to work and grumble to myself.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
New desk, new chair
Why share this with whoever reads this blog? Eh, it's a slow news day and I felt like writing an update. Lucky you.
Monday, June 18, 2007
WWA Convention '07
I've never been to Springfield, MO before so that was cool. There were a ton of great used bookstores there, any one of which I could have spent an eternity poking through. I stayed at The Oasis hotel which was a funky little place with a great restaurant.
The signing went pretty well. For all of you who showed up and said hello, I appreciate it VERY much! I find that I'm not doing a lot of signings anymore, simply because I don't have the time. Of course, I'll post when the next signing will be on my website, but there just aren't as many as there were. This signing was very nice and I met plenty of readers who were kind enough to stop at my spot when I was sitting in such esteemed company. For any reader of the western genre, these annual signings are simply amazing. There were at least 40-50 authors there. I don't know the exact number, but it was A LOT! Considering how rare it is to get western writers together in those numbers, it's quite an event.
The rest of the convention was well organized and had some great food. Writers ALWAYS appreciate good food. Maybe it's a hold-over from the starving days. Whatever the reason, I had steak a few times in as many days and it was good.
I also talked to my editor over at Berkley (who works on THE ACCOMPLICE). Hello, Carolyn! It was nice to meet you. Thanks again for the invite!
That's about it for the convention. Next year, I believe it's going to be in Arizona. That should be a fun road trip, so I'll hopefully be able to attend. Until then, I've got a lot to keep me busy. I'll check in later.
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Off to Springfield
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Checking in
I'm getting ready for the Western Writers Convention next week. That's always a good time and I hope to see some of you at the signing. In fact, come down for the whole convention. Some of those other writers aren't half bad, either. (Since I refuse to use those smiley faces, I could use some exposition here like, "he said in a joking tone")
All right. It's back to work for now and I'll check in before I leave. I just got a shiny new laptop computer, so maybe I'll post something while I'm at the convention.
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Changing gears
That's a funny thing with writing. Since I write more than one or two books a year, I often find myself switching from one story to the next. Not only are there different characters, but different tones, moods, and pacing that go along with those other books. Writing an ACCOMPLICE is a whole different ball of wax than writing a BOOT HILL. If they weren't, they'd all just be the same thing.
Now, don't get me wrong. I do love switching between stories and characters. It keeps my job fresh and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's just easier to switch gears some times than others. Maybe it's the heat. Everything seems to slow down when it gets hot. Maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just me in the heat. I also tend to babble more when it's hot. Have you noticed?
Oh well. That's about it for now. Go see one of the big movies that are coming out. Have some popcorn. In my opinion, that's the best part of Summer now that I'm out of school and don't get to be. . .well. . .out of school during the Summer. Big budget blockbusters may not be the most intellectually stimulating fare, but they do a hell of a good job of keeping our eyes busy.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
And I'm back!
Friday, April 27, 2007
I'm off!
Thursday, April 26, 2007
BOOT HILL # 4 is out
The funny thing is that I don't get any author copies of a book until it's been out on the shelves for around a month! I suppose I can see the sense in wanting to sell them before they are given away. Now, I only hope I can get some copies to show up with me at the Wine, Writers & Song festival this weekend. I'm really looking forward to that. It sounds like a lot of fun and there's going to be plenty going on. I hope to see some of you there and I'll post to let the rest of you know how it went.
Editing Accomplice # 3
Publishing is certainly not for the impatient. The first ACCOMPLICE book has just been put onto store shelves. The second is in the process of being edited by the good folks at Berkley and the third is being edited by me. I believe I wrote the first one close to two years ago now. By the time they come out, I forgot what happened in them! Heh.
It is definitely fun writing about Doc Holliday, which makes everything worth the wait. This third book takes place in a time where Doc was particularly wild and running into some well known folks along the way. Sure, there's some embellishment on my part, but there's plenty of clay to mold here.
Just look at Doc up there. Seems pretty calm, doesn't he? That even looks like the picture you might expect of an educated dentist dressed in his Sunday best. Of course, you can't see the two .38s holstered under that jacket. Doc represents everything that makes westerns so exciting. You just can't ride off into the wild like that anymore. Sure, you can raise a little hell and play some poker, but that's child's play compared to the good ol' days. Most of the folks who claim to be wild now are just drunks with big mouths. Doc might have been a loud drunk at times, but at least he was ready to back it up. They don't make 'em like him anymore.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
What ya drinkin'?
I'll be posting about whatever comes to mind, but most of it will have to do with writing and other things related to my books or westerns in general. I'm sure I'll go off on more than a few tangents, so that should be fun as well.
I plan on posting here frequently, so feel free to post right back at me. If anyone gets too rowdy, I reserve the right to use the shotgun I keep hidden behind the bar. So long as you're civil, you can kick back and shoot the breeze, start a card game, or whatever else strikes your fancy. I hope to hear from some of you. If not, I got more than enough of my own hot air to spout.