Thursday, February 21, 2008

Look what I found

I was looking online for the release date of my upcoming entry in the Ralph Compton series and I found something even better: the cover! Usually, the editor sends me a copy of the cover, but sometimes they just come out on their own. This was a very pleasant surprise and I am really happy with it. Take a look for yourself. Pretty cool, huh? I particularly enjoyed this book because it’s an idea I’ve had kicking around in the back of my skull for quite a while. It was an idea that never quite fit into any of my own series and I rarely get to do standalone books. This was an opportunity to finally get this story out there. Personally, I’m glad to see that title on a real cover. It was just one of those titles that I’ve been itching to use. The book comes out on April 1st (no, that’s not an April Fool’s joke…I hope that doesn’t jinx anything). Hope you like it.

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