Sunday, March 16, 2008

Top o' the world, Ma!!

Well, maybe not the absolute top, but it's a few steps up from where I was before. I was putzing around on the Borders website and found an actual announcement for my April 5th signing. Now, this may not seem like a huge deal, but it's the first time a signing of mine actually made the site. I've had plenty of them at plenty of other places and never got onto the place's website.

This brings to mind the subject of signings in general. Most new writers (myself included, back when I was wet behind the ears) picture their signings as these huge events where you're finally recognized for all the hard work and dedication you've poured into your craft. More often than not, unless you stack the signing with your own friends or family, these things end up with the writer sitting at a table somewhere fielding questions like, "Do you work here?" or "Can you wrap this for me?" or the ever-popular, "Why are you sitting there?"

One of my signings started off with the bookstore manager forgetting I was supposed to be there, which wasn't too bad since there were only 2 copies of my book to sign anyway. That's not a typo, folks. TWO copies. Now, don't get me wrong. Some signings are really great and no matter who shows up it's great to see them. It's just the ones where NOBODY shows up that sting the ol' ego. I know I'm not a #1 Bestseller or anything, but sitting at a folding table in a mall while people walk by and throw peanuts at you just plain sucks. Fortunately, it's been a while since I've had one that bad. With some experience, all writers tend to get philosophical about these events. At least our books are in those stores. SOMEbody usually stops to talk to you and that's fun. peanuts!

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